The EmC process and

The EmC process for Alicia Maciel, Leadership & Care Provider Engagement Ally

Alicia Maciel, Leadership & Care Provider Engagement Ally –

In this Q&A session with Alicia Maciel, Leadership & Care Provider Engagement Ally, and Certified EmC Trainer talks about how the EmC process plays a valuable role in her work.

What kind of work do you do?

I’m the founder of where we support healthcare and related organizations to improve quality of care and patient experience.

What is your educational background & work experience?

I draw from a Harvard MBA, teaching entrepreneurial leadership at Cal State Fullerton, and over 25 years contributing to high-performance organizations.

What is your WHY?

On my personal journey caring for a loved one with a chronic illness I discovered that a care provider’s emotional state and wellbeing is the greatest factor impacting patient care. Care providers who feel centered and reassured by a positive emotional connection with their role, the organization’s values, and the people they depend on at work, are more likely to flourish and provide better care for others.

How do you use the EmC process?

Leaders often feel overwhelmed and depleted by the demands of delivering results in a complex environment. Nonetheless, the way they behave and the energy they bring to every interaction sets the tone for your workplace climate.

I use the EmC process in my work with leaders to:

  • Nurture their own wellbeing to optimize their performance.
  • Prevent burnout by becoming centered and sustaining clarity and vitality
  • Focus on refining executive presence
  • Improve emotional intelligence (EQ) skills
  • Develop impactful communication
  • Manage stress and conflict

What is the impact of using the EmC process in your work?

Leaders feel more fulfilled as they have greater impact and lead happier, more productive and connected teams.

What other work do you do that incorporates emotional connection, either personally or professionally?

In addition to coaching leaders on the EmC process, I also present a workshop titled, Engaged Performance through Inclusion, Trust and Wellbeing. In this workshop I demonstrate how the EmC process can be a useful tool to build trusting relationships and support a new way of “being” that can transform organizational climate.


A warm thank you to Alicia for all her dedication, hard work and understanding of the benefits of the EmC process.

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